Living in Two Different Worlds

Living in Two Different Worlds

How to live with peace and joy
in your heart when our country is now
a complete reversal of what it once was.

In September 2022, my Brabec Bulletin, “How to Create Legal Documents Without a Lawyer,” discussed the legal steps I was taking to get end-of-life issues in order. I wrote this article the following month so my readers would understand why I’m living now with eternity in view as I update my will and “get my Grand Finale in order,” to quote a school chum of mine who’s doing the same thing. But I’m also living with a view of what America is now becoming: a country I can no longer recognize, one that is transitioning from “one nation under God” into “a nation warring against its own foundation, its original nature, and its historic identity,” to quote author Jonathan Cahn (see below).

How to live and work and be at peace in this new unrecognizable world is the question that at least half our country must be asking now.

Pondering the Past with an Eye to the Future

My current end-of-life planning prompted me to look back on what I’ve accomplished in the past fifty years and ponder what I’m doing now and should do next. Although I didn’t start my walk with Jesus until 1994, I’ve always believed it was God’s will for my life to be a writer and communicator, someone destined to offer information, encouragement, and help to others, first in their professional lives and later their personal lives as well. One thing is certain: I’ll be a writer until I die; can envision myself journaling and evangelizing in the last days of my life.

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10; NIV).

I launched this new domain believing that God expected me to share my faith more boldly than ever before. For the first time, I published my updated Testimony for Christ for anyone online to see and share. In my books and content on this and my first website as well, I’ve often illustrated how my faith has gotten me through many valleys of life and then given me new perspectives on my joyous mountaintop experiences. 

As the world keeps changing for the worse with each passing day, I think fewer people are having mountaintop experiences now, and what they need more than anything is something to believe in that they can trust, something to hold onto, something that’s going to last. Read on for some answers to that need.

“In a nation that has removed the Ten Commandments from its pubic halls, and has increasingly censored His Word, it is all the more crucial that we uphold His ways in our actions, our walks, our words, our stands, and our lives,” says Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jewish Rabbi and pastor whose best-selling prophetic books have radically impacted the world.

Cahn’s newest and most explosive book, The Return of the Gods, is so astonishing that I have no words to describe its impact on me. Suffice it to say that every Christian should read this book to understand how and why America and Western civilization has gradually transitioned into the exact opposite of what they once were. The explanations in this book offer a unique perspective, but it won’t make it any less heartbreaking to observe how America’s governing powers and other “authorities” in all areas of life are no longer recognizing or accepting our country’s former self and Christian morals. And anyone who cannot abide what those in power say we must do are now being rejected or persecuted, professionally canceled or put out of business, and even imprisoned for their beliefs while hard-core criminals are being let out of jail without bail.

Our Need for Biblical Perspective

“As reeling events continue to unfold in our nation, the news headlines will have to be deciphered through the lens of a biblical perspective,” said Pastor Allen Jackson in a recent sermon. He has recently published a book titled Big Trouble Ahead: A Real Plan for Flourishing in a Time of Fear and Deception. It might be exactly what some of you need now. Pastor Jackson’s sermons are now a part of my daily life and Bible study, and his positivity was a great encouragement to me in the worst days of the Pandemic.

“A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.” –Theodore Roosevelt

Another Bible teacher and author I’ve followed for years is David Jeremiah. His encouraging book, Where Do We Go from Here? How Tomorrow’s Prophecies Foreshadow Today’s Problems, illustrates how prophecies and wisdom from centuries ago still speak the truth today and point the way forward for tomorrow. I highlighted many passages in this book and loved these comments about the importance of the Bible:

“Everything about the Bible is special. It's God's gift to the human race—bread for the soul, honey for the heart, nourishment for the nerves, and wisdom for the mind. Every syllable represents God's own thoughts conveyed through inspired human writers who recorded the infallible message for the world. In this way, the Lord gave us a Book containing everything we really need for life and eternity.” 

I read Jeremiah’s next book as soon as it was available and highly recommend The World of the End: How Jesus’ Prophecy Shapes our Future. Of it, he says, “We may not be at the end of the world, but we are at the World of the End—a time when Bible prophecy is intersecting with our culture, technology, unhinged morality, and worldwide strife as never before. And at this point in our culture, we must boldly proclaim the Word.” 

Dr. Jeremiah has been teaching God’s Word and Bible prophecy for sixty years, and as a Bible prophecy student, I’ve read all his books on this topic. This one was prompted by Jesus’ prophesy in Matthew 24 on signs we would see as the end of the age approached. The book gives us a plan for how to live in an increasingly chaotic world as we await Christ’s return. For a video of the 9/11 TV interview with the author shortly before the book’s publication, click here to watch it on his website.

God Wired Us to be Happy

It’s human nature to worry, and with disturbing news every day, it’s easy to find many things to worry about every day. But remember that Jesus has repeatedly told us not to worry, saying,

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today” (Matthew 6:34 NIV).

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33; NIV).

I have many questions now that I have no answers for, so I talk to God every day and tell Him my concerns, even though I know it’s not necessary since He already knows my every thought and need long before I know it myself. Year after year I’ve seen how he has continually put people in my path to help me in my work as a writer and publisher, as a struggling computer user and website owner, and most importantly, as a widow. Alternatively, God continues to put people in my path who need the help and encouragement I can give them. I’m a great believer in “Ask and ye shall receive” (Matthew 7:7), but I remain amazed by how often God surprises me with a special connection or helping hand when it’s needed most.

With God’s Word in my mind and heart every day, and remembering all He has done for me throughout my life, it’s easy to live contentedly with peace and joy in my heart in spite of the down-spiraling world around me. I hate what’s happening in America now and know it’s only going to get worse, but my trust in Jesus will see me through to the end of my life because I know where I’m going and I know HIM who has prepared the way. God is in control and none can stand against Him.

“The confident Christian knows he stands in a place of security. He cannot be touched by anything the Lord does not allow. God is enough for any and every situation he might face.” – David Jeremiah, in Where Do We Go from Here?

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV).

Previously published as a Brabec Bulletin blog post on October 12, 2022.

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Selected Reader Comments from email messages:

“Once again, powerful, good, and very, very useful. Thank you. As an immigrant (legal) to this wonderful country, I have been amazed at the systemic ignorance of and hatred for the culture and beliefs that made the US the finest country civilization has ever known.”
–George B.

“We follow Cahn’s and David Jeremiah’s teachings too. There is nothing more important than sharing our testimonies and building up our treasures in heaven. People are running out of time to make the most important decision of their life. When you feel the Holy Spirit prompting you, He has a plan to make those seeds grow. You’ll never know how you may be affecting lives until we get to heaven.” –Sandy C-M.

“The best thing we can do now is to pray for our world. Having a circle of prayer may help. We can keep doing our part in helping make our world a better place. Keeping the faith strong!” –Myrna C.

“So well written Barb! This world has become a place that I don’t understand. But there’s no doubt in my mind that God will prevail in His own time.” –Joann J.

“Your blog was excellent—perfect, best you’ve ever written on the subject. It was truly Holy Spirit inspired!” –Rita W.

“I really loved reading this bulletin. So much wonderful info put together so eloquently.”
–Joe B.

“It was bold of you to speak out on the state of our country. You are articulate and one can’t argue with that!” –Sylvia H.

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