

A Kaleidoscopic Collection
of Life-Related Articles
and PDF Documents
in 14 Topic Categories

by Barbara Brabec

You are what you read. What you choose to fill your mind with has a great impact on who you are as a person. As Oscar Wilde put it, “It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you’ll be when you can’t help it.”

NOTE: Lengthy articles and special reports originally published on several web pages are now PDF documents that open in Adobe Reader. If you don't have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, download it HERE.

represents life experiences and lessons learned from more than eight decades of just plain living—as a daughter, sister, friend, wife-then-widow, and a writer, publisher, and speaker who has worked full-time at home since 1971.

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Article Categories

EACH CATEGORY LINK below leads to its Table of Contents page of a descriptive list of articles, reports, and PDF documents in that category, along with some of Barbara's favorite inspirational quotes. Periodically, new content is added to the archives and announced in Barbara's Bulletins.

Barbara Personal – Barbara’s Personal Life Experiences and Lessons Learned

Books – Reading Books Can Change Your Life

Cat & Dog Tales – Entertaining and Informative Cat and Dog Stories

Christian Encouragement – Faith-building Articles to Give You Peace and Hope

Creative Endeavors – Using Your Hands and Mind Creatively

Dreams & Goals – Follow Your Dream and Set Goals to Achieve It

Family & Friends – The Importance of Family and Friends

Home Business – Timeless Home-Business Articles and Wisdom

Mind & Body – Taking Good Care of Your Mind and Body

Money Matters – Perspective on Making and Saving Money

Music – We All Need Some in Our Lives

Time & Stress – Strategies for Effectively Managing Time and Stress

Stories – We All Have Stories to Tell

Writing & Publishing – Articles for Writers
and Authors Interested in Self-publishing

BARBARA BRABECS’S WORLD previously lived on, established in 2000. In planning this new site, I gave careful consideration to the content I wanted to preserve on this site vs. that which needed to be relegated to the great dustbin of history. In the process, more than half the content on my former site was discarded.

Unlike, which featured articles by contributing writers, this one features only my best writing, and only that content deemed to be timeless or historical in nature, of interest to a broad readership, and applicable to life in America today. In the process of planning and building this site, I edited, updated and often expanded every article, story, and report, and then formatted each web page for easier reading. Any errors are mine alone.

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