Comments from Happy
Selected from Reader Mail Through the Years
Some of my subscribers have been reading my Bulletins since I first began to publish them in 2000 from my first domain. I’m grateful for their continued support and I hope to soon see YOUR name on my Bulletin's mailing list.
What some of my readers have said:
“I just want to say what an inspiration you have been to me and countless others over the years. Your print newsletter for home business owners that I originally subscribed to back in the 90s convinced me early on that you were an exceptional resource.” – James Dillehay,
“I’ve known you since I used to store my self-published books under my bed in a NY apartment—a long time ago. I agree that we must greet our transitions well, and I will happily stay on your mailing list.” – Kate Kelly,
“Just dipped into your new bulletin on brain aging, and caught some of your re-invention plans for the New Year. You continue to inspire me with your energy and your enthusiasm.” – Patricia Katz,
“You are a powerful visionary and true friend. Please continue to write your monthly bulletin for the loyal followers who dare to dream and trust God.” – Nikki Jourdan,
“I always look forward to the latest emails from Barbara Brabec. She is inspiring and offers great information for her readers, including business tips, life, and uplifting spiritual messages. Thank you & keep up the wonderful work!” – Myrna Caceres,
Many of my subscribers do not have websites, so below are more messages that brightened my day when they hit my Inbox:
“Unlike most newsletters I get, yours packs a wallop in just a few minutes—informative, sad, glad, and inspirational. You are such a darn good writer—both businesslike and personal. You could hold your own with any of the talking heads on TV/radio on just about any subject and inject a ‘Brabecism’ or two of humor to boot.” – Sylvia Hourihane
“You always amaze me, Barbara, with your drive to evaluate and adjust your pursuits as you continue to help others and share your own experiences! As a long-time subscriber of your newsletter, I look forward to your posts.” – Martha Osksvig
“I love reading each of your Brabec Bulletins. As I read each one I can almost hear your voice. I know you share from the heart. Thank you.” – Lupe A. Hoyt
“I look forward to your bulletins and read everything you post. I much admire the verve, determination, and creativity with which you approach life.” – Helen Clement
“The essence of your spirit permeates every word you write. Thank you for being a steady voice in this world.” – Nora Hill
“Your bulletin is a refreshing welcome when most people are talking with nothing really being said. The art of conversation and deep thought seems to be lost in translation.” – Mitzi Monroe
“I am a long time reader and follower of your work. I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that you are impacting and empowering women all over the globe. If someone were to ask me who I would most like to emulate, it wouldn’t be some movie star or ultra famous person, it would be Barbara Brabec.” – Theresa K. Hardy“You are truly a pioneer in the field of creativity and a champion for the struggling artist. You are real in a world of pretentiousness and false hopes.” – Kathy Cisneros
“I have been receiving your email bulletin for several years. As your life’s journey continued into widowhood, I was afraid you would stop writing and a bright spot in my inbox would disappear. Your courage to share as you passed through your dark times has been such an inspiration! Every time I see your name in my inbox, I know I’ve got a treat coming.” – Sherilyn Dunn
“You have provided so much valuable information to me through the years and I am pleased to hear you are still very active and going strong!” – Deborah Florian
“I am grateful for your wisdom and willingness to share what you know. I feel like I know you and will mourn the day you stop writing.” – Dana Bakke
“I sometimes feel as though we’re long lost sisters going through many of the same experiences at the same time. Your article on retirement sure hit home.” – Norma Rudloff
“I have enjoyed your columns and books over the years, and I enjoy reading your bulletins. It’s like a family friend coming into my home.” – Betty Johnson
“Thank you for sharing your knowledge and faith! I’ve learned so much from you over the years.” – Betty Frizzell
“Today I took time to read your bulletin and was blessed by the content and your attitude to persevere even when your efforts don’t seem to be accomplishing what you had hoped. I continue to learn that in whatever you do, do it as unto the Lord; it does take out the sting of disappointment. Bless you for keeping on.” – Glenis Thomas
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For a quick look at the life-related topics I’m writing about on this new website, check the ARTICLES Table of Contents page. My Brabec Bulletins relate to some of the same topics, but I’ll also be discussing other things in which I have an interest.
High on my list these days is how to grow old gracefully and productively. After all, aren’t we all aging and in a race with the clock to get the most out of every day of our life?
How do I feel about getting older? My writing reflects my Christian faith and beliefs, as well as the contentment, peace, and joy I have in my older age.
I believe that God isn’t done with me yet because He continues to work all things together for my good (Romans 8:28), and I take comfort in knowing He has plans for me that will likely surprise me when they happen (Jeremiah 29:11). And I love the promise in Isaiah and Job’s take on wisdom:
“But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with
wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.”
– Isaiah 40:28 [NKJV]
“Wisdom belongs to the aged,
and understanding to the old.”
– Job 12:12 [NLT]
A closing reader comment
“I’m one of your German readers,and I know you for a long time, and I really mean for soooo long—from when the era of computers began, when there were no portables and no internet. You are and always were such an inspiration for me through your attitude for life and its possibilities and your personal development, no matter what your age says.” – Renate Gerhards
Yes, dear readers, I have indeed been writing for a long time—since 1971, in fact, when my husband and I launched Artisan Crafts magazine, which gradually led to some subscription newsletters, magazine columns, countless articles, Brabec Bulletins, and several books.
Some might call this "evolving," but I think of it as "going with the flow" as necessary to keep moving forward as a writer and publisher. (The history of those transitions are on my BIO page for anyone who's interested.)
ABOVE: A collectible vintage "Steve Kearns Wood Cuts Silhouette" I’ve treasured for decades, one I acquired long before I began to write on the computer at the turn of the century.